Kubernetes Resource Operator
Table of Contents
This was published shortly after the v0.2.1 version of the Kubernetes Resource Orchestrator was released. This was a very early build and as such the project is expected to make a lot of changes.
# Introduction
Anyone who has talked to me about Kubernetes in the last year knows I will not stop talking about operators and how powerful they can be for taking your applications and building a platform. The problem is that they have always been extremely complicated to get started and even with the Operator Framework it is nontrivial to get off the ground but the new Kubernetes Resource Operator (KRO) aims to change that and it might just be the best way for teams to build a great developer experience and create and manage complex custom Kubernetes resources.
# Before KRO
Over the last few years I have been focused on improving developer experience deploying to Kubernetes clusters. There have been many iterations of the way deployments were handled, each trying to make it easier based on previous learnings.
We first started deploying using Kubernetes yaml manifests in the project repository. They would be automatically deployed using Github Actions after building and pushing a new container. The problem we faced was that it was difficult to make changes per-environment. Next we moved to Kustomize to allow templating and changes between environments. We would instead deploy from the overlay for the environment and have a base folder. Here is an example of how a project’s .deploy
folder might look:
When we started to use more microservices there ended up being a lot of duplication between projects. It made it more difficult to create new services and keep them up to date with our evolving best practices. Projects often created a Deployment, HPA, Service, and Virtual Service.
What we did was to create a Helm chart that each service could use to create the template. We did not use Helm for deployment and management of the service, but instead used it for templating only. For each environment we would have a values file that would be used to create the install.yaml
file that would then be deployed.
In GitHub Actions, we ran commands like:
This improved consistency but made it harder for non-infra engineers to understand deployments. Additionally some microservices do not get deployed often and since our chart gets updated frequently the applications do not get updated until they are released. Sometimes it could take months for all of our microservices to get updated to use the latest chart version.
This is where the idea of an internal operator came in: a way to enforce best practices while letting developers focus on their apps. The idea was to decouple managing our best practices with what the developers really care about, getting their application deployed and running. The hope for building our internal operator was that we could release a new version and all of the services deployed using it would also get updated. Instead of having many different values files in their repository they would use a custom resource like:
To do this we planned on using the Operator Framework powered by Helm. This would let us build on top of what we already had. The main problem is that as powerful as Helm is, our chart had become extremely complex and hard to manage so we were already planning on rebuilding it. What we really wanted was a solution that could be easy enough that non-infrastructure engineers could make changes without needing to involve our small team. This did not seem like it was going to help that.
# Enter the Kubernetes Resource Operator (KRO)
Thinking about all of this for the last year “A New Bombshell Enters The Villa” and their name is Kubernetes Resource Operator (KRO). KRO is a Kubernetes controller that lets you define and manage custom resources using simple YAML-based Resource Graphs, reducing the complexity of building an operator from scratch. It takes a lot of what I wanted to build using the Operator Framework and makes it easier. The setup time to build an operator that does the same thing as KRO would probably be at least a few days if not more, but you could have something with KRO in just a couple hours.
# Example
Let’s build a simple example and you can see just how easy this is:
Install KRO into your cluster:
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$ helm install kro oci://ghcr.io/kro-run/kro/kro \ --namespace kro \ --create-namespace \ --version=0.2.1
Once installed, you can check that KRO is running with:
$ kubectl get pods -n kro
Deploy your first ResourceGraphDefinition by applying the below yaml
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apiVersion: kro.run/v1alpha1 kind: ResourceGraphDefinition metadata: name: httpbin spec: schema: group: duffy.xyz apiVersion: v1alpha1 kind: HttpbinApp spec: name: string | default="httpbin" replicas: integer | default=1 image: string | default="docker.io/mccutchen/go-httpbin:v2.15.0" status: deploymentConditions: ${deployment.status.conditions} availableReplicas: ${deployment.status.availableReplicas} resources: # Service Account - id: serviceAccount template: apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: ${schema.spec.name} # Service - id: service template: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: ${schema.spec.name} labels: app: ${schema.spec.name} service: ${schema.spec.name} spec: selector: ${deployment.spec.template.metadata.labels} ports: - name: http port: 8000 targetPort: 8080 # Deployment - id: deployment template: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ${schema.spec.name} spec: replicas: ${schema.spec.replicas} selector: matchLabels: app: ${schema.spec.name} version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: ${schema.spec.name} version: v1 spec: serviceAccountName: ${serviceAccount.metadata.name} containers: - name: ${schema.spec.name} image: ${schema.spec.image} imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent ports: - containerPort: 8080
Confirm the new API resources were created otherwise jump to Troubleshooting
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$ kubectl api-resources NAME SHORTNAMES APIVERSION NAMESPACED KIND ... httpbinapps duffy.xyz/v1alpha1 true HttpbinApp ...
Deploy a custom app:
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apiVersion: duffy.xyz/v1alpha1 kind: HttpbinApp metadata: name: demo-httpbin spec: replicas: 2
Check your custom app started
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$ kubectl describe httpbinapps Name: demo-httpbin Namespace: kro Labels: kro.run/controller-pod-id=kro-pod kro.run/kro-version=0.2.1 kro.run/owned=true kro.run/resource-graph-definition-id=d5b5f689-3f49-444e-9180-67567bb5097c kro.run/resource-graph-definition-name=httpbin kro.run/resource-graph-definition-namespace= Annotations: <none> API Version: duffy.xyz/v1alpha1 Kind: HttpbinApp Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2025-02-27T04:15:10Z Finalizers: kro.run/finalizer Generation: 1 Resource Version: 27216 UID: 32baec95-d136-487a-889d-9fe0e3984679 Spec: Image: docker.io/mccutchen/go-httpbin:v2.15.0 Name: httpbin Replicas: 2 Status: Available Replicas: 2 Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2025-02-27T04:15:20Z Message: Instance reconciled successfully Observed Generation: 1 Reason: ReconciliationSucceeded Status: True Type: InstanceSynced Deployment Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2025-02-27T04:15:18Z Last Update Time: 2025-02-27T04:15:18Z Message: Deployment has minimum availability. Reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable Status: True Type: Available Last Transition Time: 2025-02-27T04:15:13Z Last Update Time: 2025-02-27T04:15:18Z Message: ReplicaSet "httpbin-7b549f7859" has successfully progressed. Reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable Status: True Type: Progressing State: ACTIVE Events: <none>
# Troubleshooting
Whenever you are having issues with KRO the easiest thing to do is to review the logs of the controller: